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Panpan� Tang� Bing� Xia� Wen� Wang� Fei� Wei� Xiaoyi� Xiang� Jiaqing� Li� Jihua #$)*./34;<BCKLOP 2016�49�892-895UPreparation and Stability Evaluation of Pectin Coated Galanga Essential Oil Liposomesh  Chinese Acad Trop Agr Sci� Agr Prod Proc Res Inst� Zhanjiang 524000� Peoples R China�-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b �23DEUI Cao� Yupo� Zhou� Wei� Li� Jihua� Huang� Xiaobing� Yuan� Yuan� Lin� Lijing   &'0167<=AB 2016�99�285-290fReinforcement of natural rubber latex with silica modified by cerium oxide: preparation and properties -N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b�-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b�aj��xvz@b� ZHANG Fuquan� _�yhQ ��LIAO Lusheng��^�yu �� WANG Yongzhou��s8lhT �� WANG Yueqiong�jlge�[���[�ؚlb�^h�jl�_���Ng`N���pgs^�m_?e��^�S�l Pg�e�yf[N�] zf[�b 2016�34�01 ��101-104+159  ���_�|�x�[����v#ntSyr'`�vq_�T-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b��\WS^�f[b���g=NY��ĞSfuQ�������Cgn�m_��9N�Ng�yNS 2016��22 ��19-21+24  �OۏBR�[ENR25�vkxSyr'`N�zzl�S'`���vq_�T -N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b�^Nwm m'Yf[ hg 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Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences� Zhanjiang� Guangdong� 524001� China � Key Laboratory of Tropical Crop Products Processing� Ministry of Agriculture� Zhanjiang� Guangdong� 524001� China �-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b��QN��p&^\Oir�N�T�R�]͑�p�[���[ �34fgqr|}��������������c Xiao Gong���� � 1� a� Lina Ma 2� b� Liuji Li 3� c� Yuan Yuan 1� d� *� Shaodan Peng 1� e� Mao Lin 4� f   !,-/0<=?@BCRSUV`a<IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES) 2017�100�1 ��1 012125   EI \Analysis of the Essential Oils of Alpiniae Officinarum Hance in different extraction methodsz Agricultural Product Processing Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences�-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b �g8 Y. 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Li�Ng�yNS � %+3!Materials Science and Engineering 2017�231�1 ��012112   RChange in Soluble Sugar and Organic Acids during Fermentation of Dragon Fruit Wine�R�]@b7 Xiao Gong1�a�*� Lina Ma2�b � Mao Lin3�c and Jihua Li1�d     MSMEE 2017 2017�123� 1284-1287 ICharacterization of interaction between natural rubber and silica by FTIR� Methakarn Jarnthong� Lusheng Liao��^�yu ��Fuquan Zhang� _�yhQ ��Yueqiong Wang�jlg?@LNOPWY 2017� 143� 989-993�  {Comparison of Structural Modification of Sugarcane Bagasse Cellulose Regenerated from Three Imidazolium-Based Ionic LiquidsV Agriculture Products Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy<  of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b)�South Subtropical Crops Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences(-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b�WS�N�p&^\Oirxvz@b)�Spice and Beverage Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences(-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b����en��exvz@b)23gxyz������EU]  Lihong Cui(]=Ny�)�Xiaoyi Wei(O�SfUY)� Tiaokun Fu��N�dW �� Gang Chang(8^R)�Bing Tang(U�Q)�Qin Feng��Q�� �  !,2>@ABLNOPX\ 2017� 143�1093-1097�  oComparison of the volatile compositions of essential oils from different organs of sage (Salvia officinalis L.)M  Zhejiang Province Collaborative Innovation Center of Agricultural Biological Resources Biochemical Manufacturing� School of Biological and Chemical Engineering/School of Light Industry� Zhejiang University of Science and Technology� Hangzhou� 310023� China � Tianjin Key Laboratory of Postharvest Physiology and Storage of Agricultural Products� National Engineering Technology Research Center for Preservation of Agriculture Product� Tianjin� 300384� China � Agricultural Product Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences� Zhanjiang� 524001� China qr��������YZ���������23=>EFd Ban� Zhaojun � Chen� Cunkun � Li� Guopeng � Yu� Linkai � Wang� Hongpeng � Sun� Rong � Mao� Jianwei   !*+./78=>HIMNTUYZShipin Kexue/Food Science 2017t^ 2017�38�2 ��159-163  |Compatibility-tuned distribution of nanoparticles in co-continuous rubber structures toward microwave absorption enhancementn Chinese Agricultural Ministry Key Laboratory of Tropical Crop Product Processing� Agricultural Product Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences�-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��p�yb��R�]@b ��bRubber Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences�-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b�aj��xvz@b ��cCollege of Materials and Chemical Engineering� Hainan University�wmWS'Yf[ �PQ������'UVh� Lefan Li�Pengfei Zhao�u�O�ޘ ��Yongyue Luo�W�R�` ��Heping Yu�YO�Ts^ ��Jinlong Tao�v�ё�� ��Dongning He�Wei Gong���O ��Dejun Li�Ng�_�Q ��Zheng Peng*�m_?e* ��Zhifen Wang &,5;FLWX`ems~��� RSC Advances 2017��7 ��1093-1100 }Compatibility-tuned distribution of nanoparticles in co-continuous rubber structures toward microwave absorption enhancementsE Chinese Agricultural Ministry Key Laboratory of Tropical Crop Product Processing� Agricultural Product Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences�-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b �� Rubber Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences�-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b�aj��xvz@b ��Hainan University�Pg�e�yf[N�] zf[b� �PQ������):A Lefan Li�NgPN�Q ��Pengfei Zhao*�u�O�ޘ* ��Yongyue Luo�W�R�` ��Heping Yu�YO�Ts^ � "-3< 2017�7�1093 110YComputational fluid dynamics simulation of high speed jet under different input pressuresy Agriculture Product Processing Research Institute at Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences(-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b)gx9 Jie Gong��[pg �� Wen Xia(Y�e)�Jihua Li(Ng�yNS)�Xiaoyi Wei*(O�SfUY)� #&'(478,International Journal of High Engery Physics 2017�4(1)�12-18  aDamping Properties of Natural rubber/ Epoxidized Natural Rubber composites with different fillers 1.-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b2.^Nwm m'Yf[� Yueqiong Wang�jlg?: Machinery� Materials Science and Engineering Applications   2017�503-507� =Determination of mycotoxins contaminants in juice by LC-MS/MSw Zha Yubing(�g�suQ ��Su Yueping(ς�\s^ ��Yang Chunliang�hg%f�N* ��Ye Jianzhi��SQR�� ��Wang Xiaofang(�sSf�� ��Lin Ling��g�s ��Zeng Shaodong(�f�~N �  .235?ESX`es@Determination of Six Synthetic Pigments in Compound Wine by HPLC1 Ling Lin(�g�s ��Chunliang Yang(hg%f�N* ��Jianzhi Ye(�SQR��)   "-0Agricultural Science Technology 2017�18(3)�514-515�523  lEffect of acetone extract from natural rubber on the structure and interface interaction in NR/CB composites+  College of Materials Science and Engineering� South China University of Technology� Guangzhou� 510640� China � Agri< cultural Product Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agriculture Sciences� Zhanjiang� 524001� China �NSWSt�]'Yf[Pg�e�yf[N�] zf[b��^�]; 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XPredication of dry rubber content in hevea latex based on SPSS multiple regression model  Key Laboratory of Tropical Crop Products Processing� Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs� Agricultural Products Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences� Zhanjiang� Guangdong� 524001� China �-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b��QN��p&^\Oir�N�T�R�]͑�p�[���[ �45_`�����������Z Zhang� Fan � Liao� Lusheng � Huang� Hui � Zhang� Fuquan � Wang� Bingbing � Long� Huaqian   "#()/089>?IJOP 2019�563�2 ��  ^Preparation and characterization of catechol-functionalized chitosan thermosensitive hydrogels\  Department of Applied Chemistry� School of Chemistry and Environmental Science� Guangdong Ocean University� Zhanjiang� Guangdong� 524088� China � Agricultural Product Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences� Zhanjiang� Guangdong� 524001� China �^Nwm 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Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences� Zhanjiang� 524001� China � School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering� Lingnan Normal University� Zhanjiang� 524037� China ]^����������)*45<=S Qi� Ningli � Qiu� Chuyuan � Li� Pei � Ye� Jianzhi � Chen� Wuhai � Yang� Chunliang   $%()2389@AFG 2020�508�1 ��  uEffect of Cinnamon Essential Oil Nanoemulsion Combined with Ascorbic Acid on Enzymatic Browning of Cloudy Apple Juiceg 1 State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology� Nanchang University� Nanchang� Jiangxi� 330047� China � School of Life Sciences� Nanchang University� Nanchang� Jiangxi� 330031� China � Key Laboratory of Tropical Crop Products Processing of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs� Agricultural Products Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences� Zhanjiang� Guangdong� 524001� China � National<  R&D Center for Freshwater Fish Processing� Jiangxi Normal University� Nanchang� Jiangxi� 330022� China �-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b��QN��p&^\Oir�N�T�R�]�V�[͑�p�[���[-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��p&^�Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b�p&^\Oir�N�T�R�]�V�[͑�p�[���[ �45IJST\]delm������������ TU��������������g Xu� Jing � Zhou� Lei � Miao� Jinyu � Yu� Wenzhi � Zou� Liqiang � Zhou� Wei � Liu� Chengmei � Liu� Wei   #$'(0156?@EFKLPQ[\`aFood and Bioprocess Technology 2020�13�5 ��860-870  hEffect of industry-scale microfluidization on structural and physicochemical properties of potato starch�  Nanchang Univ� State Key Lab Food Sci & Technol� Nanchang 330047� Jiangxi� Peoples R China� Chinese Acad Trop Agr Sci� Agr Prod Proc Res Inst� Key Lab Trop Crop Prod Proc� Minist Agr� Zhanjiang 524001� Peoples R China01ABJK[\wx��������S He� Xiao-hong� Luo� Shun-jing� Chen� Ming-shun� Xia� Wen� Chen� Jun� Liu� Cheng-mei #$./3489>?CDHI/INNOVATIVE FOOD SCIENCE & EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES 2020�60�102278`Effects of Pitaya Stem Phytosterol on Stability and Release Properties of Curcumin NanoliposomesE  State Key Laboratory of Food Sci ence and Technology� College of Food Science and Technology� Nanchang University� Nanchang� 330047� China � Key Laboratory of Tropical Crop Products Pro cessing� Agricultural Products Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences� Zhanjiang� 524001� China 56]^rs|}��������*+56=>l Li� Yuhao � Li� Zhaoying � Zhou� Wei � Fu� Tiaokun � Zou� Liqiang � Peng� Shengfeng � Cheng� Ce � Liu� Wei    %&)*3489BCHITU[\`aef 2020�41�16 ��68-76  �Effects of salt concentration on the structure and properties of composite fiber of carboxymethyl cellulose/N-2-hydroxylpropyl trimethyl ammonium chloride chitosan prepared by polyelectoyte complexation-freeze drying , Beijing Inst Technol� Sch Mat Sci & Engn� Beijing 100081� Peoples R China� Chinese Acad Sci� Inst Chem� Beijing Natl Lab Mol Sci� State Key Lab Struct Chem Unstable & Stable Speci� Beijing 100190� Peoples R China� Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ� Dept Polymer Sci & Engn� Shanghai Key Lab Elect Insulat & Thermal Ageing� Shanghai 200240� Peoples R China� Chinese Acad Trop Agr Sci� Agr Prod Proc Res Inst� Zhanjiang 524001� Peoples R China� Guangdong Ocean Univ� Sch Chem & Environm Sci� Zhanjiang 524001� Peoples R China)*9:JK]^hi����������  :;KL\]xy������������m "Chen� Yu� Liu� Yang� Xing� Tao� Sun� Boyang� Feng� Zhipan� Li� Puwang� Yang� Ziming� Li� Sidong� Chen� Shusen  #$+,129:=>EFKLSTWX_`ef 2020�151�1030-1039 KFabrication of Rice Husk Ash/Natural Rubber Composites by the Latex Process�  Key Laboratory of Tropical Crop Product Processing� Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People Republic of China� Agricultural Product Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences� Zhanjiang� 524001� China � Rubber Research Institute Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences� Danzhou� 571731� China �-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b��QN�QQg��p&^\Oir�R�]͑�p�[���[�-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b�aj��xvz@b �34~��������MNVW^_f= Zeng� Zongqiang � Li� Yongzhen � Zhao� Pengfei � Yu� Heping  %&/034 2020�35�1 ��42-46  ^ Fabrication� characterization and evaluation of myricetin adsorption onto starch nanoparticles    / South China Univ Technol� Sch Food Sci & Engn� Overseas Expertise Intro Ctr Discipline Innovat F� 111 Ctr� 381 Wushan Rd� Guangzhou 510641� Peoples R China� Chinese Acad Trop Agr Sci� Agr Prod Proc Res Inst� Key Lab Trop Crop Prod Proc� Minist Agr & Rural Affairs� Zhanjiang 524001� Guangdong� Peoples R China� Guangdong ERA Food & Life Hlth Res Inst� Guangzhou 510670� Peoples R China� Cornell Univ� Dept Food Sci� Ithaca� NY 14853 USA�NSWSt�]'Yf[ߘ�T�yf[N�] zf[b��wmYNN�wƋ�N�~-N�_R�ef[�yF�fkq\�381�S111-N�_�-N�V�QN�yf[xvzb���QN�yf[N�QQg�\Oir�yf[xvz͑�p�[���[�-N�V�Nl'Yf[ߘ�TNu}Txvz@b���V�^HY\'Yf[ߘ�T�yf[�| �./abjkyz����������  &'78abst���������������J Xia� Wen� Zheng� Bisheng� Li� Tong� Lian� Fengli� Lin� Yanyun� Liu� Ruihai "#()0156=>BC 2020�250� 116848 ^Functional Nanofibrous Biomaterials of Tailored Structures for Drug Delivery-A Critical ReviewZ $ Deakin Univ� Inst Frontie< r Mat� Geelong� Vic 3216� Australia� Wuhan Text Univ� Sch Mech Engn & Automat� Wuhan 430073� Peoples R China� Wuhan Text Univ� Hubei Key Lab Digital Text Equipment� Wuhan 430073� Peoples R China� Minist Agr & Rural Affairs� Key Lab Trop Crop Prod Proc� CATAS� Agr Prod Proc Res Inst� Zhanjiang 524001� Peoples R China   ()23=>OPhivw������������ 78IJY Li� Zhen� Mei� Shunqi� Dong� Yajie� She� Fenghua� Li� Yongzhen� Li� Puwang� Kong� Lingxue  "#'(0145>?BCJKPQ PHARMACEUTICS 2020�12�6 ��-   GC-MS�lR�g[n_lE��~4lmMRT�vlsTbRA-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b�QN�QQg��p&^\Oir�N�T�R�]͑�p�[���[�wmWSw�g,�.�υN�R�]͑�p�[���[�[n_l+}F���~6R�T gP�lQ�S�Ng�NO�H��eZW��f�saW��������n 2020�48�20 ��86-88  � Impact of pH� ferrous ions� and tannic acid on lipid oxidation in plant-based emulsions containing saponin-coated flaxseed oil droplets   Agricultural Products Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences�-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b �� State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology� Nanchang University�WS f'Yf[�ߘ�T�yf[N�b/g�V�[͑�p�[���[ ��Department of Food Science� University of Massachusetts���w'Yf[�ߘ�T�yf[f[b� �34g{������� Ruyi Li(Ng�YN)� Taotao Dai(4b�m�m)� Wei Zhou(hTO)� Guiming Fu*(�NBhf)� Yin Wan(N5�)� David Julian McClements*( 'YkS�01g)R�[�0��KQ���(�)� Jihua Li(Ng�yNS)   (*+,9<=>GIJKfhilmrst~�Food Research International 2020��136 ��109618  lInfluence of ionic strength and thermal pretreatment on the freeze-thaw stability of Pickering emulsion gels� G Nanchang Univ� State Key Lab Food Sci & Technol� 235 Nanjing East Rd� Nanchang 330047� Jiangxi� Peoples R China� Jiangxi Normal Univ� Natl R&D Ctr Freshwater Fish Proc� Nanchang 330022� Jiangxi� Peoples R China� Univ Massachusetts� Biopolymers & Colloids Res Lab� Dept Food Sci� Amherst� MA 01003 USA� Chinese Acad Trop Agr Sci� Minist Agr & Rural Affairs� Key Lab Trop Crop Prod Proc� Agr Prod Proc Res Inst� Zhanjiang 524001� Guangdong� Peoples R China�WS f'Yf[ߘ�T�yf[�V�[͑�p�[���[&�bIQ�]z��235t^WS�NNRd 330047t^WS f�_l��-N�V�NlR;_l�^�'Yf[0�V�[�vx�SCtr�m4l|�Proc� 330022t^WS f�_l��-N�V�NlR;l�(���^X�]'Yf[uirZ�Tir�T��SORes�[���[��ߘ�T�yf[0?�؞�eyr�l�01003��V;-N�VN�y*YAgr Sci�-N�V�QN�yf[xvzb��QN�QQg��p&^\Oirxvz@b�^N[n_l524001 �01EFVW_`pq������������  !"/0KLgh�����������������  &(7:JOQRW^yd Zhu� Yuqing� McClements� David Julian� Zhou� Wei� Peng� Shengfeng� Zhou� Lei� Zou� Liqiang� Liu� Wei  %&+,0167ABGHLMQRZ[_`FOOD CHEMISTRY 2020�303� 125401 DInvestigation on the Contents of Acrylamide in Baked and Fried foods�  Agriculture Products Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agriculture Sciences� Zhanjiang� Guangdong� 524001� China � Laboratory of Quality and Safety Risk Assessment on Agro-products Processing (Zhanjiang)� Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of PRC� Zhanjiang 524001� Guangdong� 524001� China �-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��R�]xvz@b�^N[n_l;524001;-NNS�NlqQ�T�V�QN�QQg萜Q�N�T�R�](�ϑ�[hQΘi�ċ0O�[���[�^N[n_l524001 �34efpq{|������)*45<=DX`��} Zeng� Shaodong � Zeng� Shaodong � Chen� Wuhai � Chen� Wuhai � Ye� Jianzhi � Ye� Jianzhi � Yang� Chunliang � Yang� Chunliang  !&'./45<=@AJKNOXY^_jkpq 2020�512�1 ��012058   dMXene-Based Conductive Organohydrogels with Long-Term Environmental Stability and Multifunctionality� 5 South China Univ Technol� State Key Lab Pulp & Paper Engn� Guangzhou 510640� Peoples R China� South China Univ Technol� Natl Engn Res Ctr Tissue Restorat & Reconstruct� Innovat Ctr Tissue Restorat & Reconstruct Med Dev� Res & Testing Ctr SCUT�Sch Biomed Sci & Engn� Guangzhou 510006� Peoples R China� Chinese Acad Trop Agr Sci� Key Lab Trop Crop Prod Proc� Minist Agr & Rural Affairs� Agr Prod Proc Res Inst� Zhanjiang 524001� Peoples R China� South China Univ Technol� Sch Biomed Sci & Engn� Natl Engn Res Ctr Tissue Restorat & Reconstruct� Innovat Ctr Tissue Restorat & Reconstruct� Guangzhou 510006� Peoples R China� South China Univ Technol� Guangdong Engn Technol Res & Dev Ctr Specialty Pa� Guangzhou 510640� Peoples R China�NSWSt�]'Yf[�-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b �:;LM]^xy������  -.IJfg������������ !KL]^no�������� 2Wei� Yuan� Xiang� Lijing� Ou� Huajie� Li� Fang� Zha< ng� Yazeng� Qian� Yangyang� Hao� Lijing� Diao� Jingjing� Zhang� Mengli� Zhu� Penghui� Liu� Yijun� Kuang� Yudi� Chen� Gang  $%()./56=>CDMNRSZ[`ajkqryz~������������ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS 2020�30�48 �� 2005135  bNaturally Derived Wearable Strain Sensors with Enhanced Mechanical Properties and High Sensitivity   Agricultural Products Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical� Agricultural Sciences (CATAS)� Zhanjiang� 524001� China � State Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials Engineering� Polymer Research Institute of Sichuan University� Chengdu� 610065� China 45QRpq{|����������] Lv� Zhen � Liu� Jize � Yang� Xin � Fan� Dongyang � Cao� Jie � Luo� Yongyue � Zhang� Xinxing   !"&'1267<=ABKLRS 2020�12�19 ��22163-22169  7Physicochemical characterization of pineapple peel wine�  Key Laboratory of Tropical Crop Products Processing� Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs� Agricultural Products Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences� Guangdong� 524001� China � Hainan Key Laboratory of Storage and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables� Zhanjiang� 524001� China � School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering� Lingnan Normal University� Zhanjiang� China 45_`����������,-78?@GHuv����_ Zhang� Li � Lu� Wencai � Yuan� Yuan � Wang� Xiaofang � Zhou� Wei � Liao� Liangkun � Li� Jihua   $%*+56;<ABGHRSVW 2020�546�4 ��042075   �Phytochemical profiles of rice and their cellular antioxidant activity against ABAP induced oxidative stress in human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells 4 Shenyang Agr Univ� Coll Food Sci� Natl R&D Profess Ctr Berry Proc� Key Lab Hlth Food Nutr & Innovat Mfg Liaoning Pro� Shenyang 110866� Liaoning� Peoples R China� Nanchang Univ� State Key Lab Food Sci & Technol� Nanchang 330047� Jiangxi� Peoples R China� Cornell Univ� Dept Food Sci� Ithaca� NY 14853 USA� Shanghai Acad Agr Sci� Inst Edible Fungi� Shanghai 201403� Peoples R China� Chinese Acad Trop Agr Sci� Agr Prod Proc Res Inst� Key Lab Trop Crop Prod Proc� Minist Agr & Rural Affairs� Zhanjiang 524001� Guangdong� Peoples R China!"BCuv���������������� $%23JK]^no�����������  � >Gong� Er Sheng� Liu� Chengmei� Li� Bin� Zhou� Wei� Chen� Hongyu� Li� Tong� Wu� Jianyong� Zeng� Zicong� Wang� Yuehua� Si� Xu� Lang� Yuxi� Zhang� Ye� Zhang� Weijia� Zhang� Guowen� Luo� Shunjing� Liu� Rui Hai!"&',-1278?@CDIJMNWX]^efklstwx{|���������������������� 2020�318�126484 BPreparation and properties of g-C3N4 on natural rubber latex films�  School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering� Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Materials Chemistry of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes� Lingnan Normal University� Zhanjiang� China � Key Laboratory of Tropical Crop Products Processing of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs� Agricultural Products Processing Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences� Guangdong� China -.������������x Chen� Jing � Liao� Lusheng � Zhang� Fuquan � Gao� Tianming � Lin� Jiazhao � Wu� Jianglun � Zhang� Yinhao � He� Guoling   "#+,01;<@AJKNOYZ`aijmn 2020�41�8 ��3124-3134  hPreparation of cellulose film in ionic liquid by high shearing and application in pineapple preservationc  Shenyang Jianzhu Univ� Sch Mech Engn� Shenyang 110168� Peoples R China� Chinese Acad Trop Agr Sci� Key Lab Trop Crop Prod Proc� Minist Agr & Rural Affairs� Agr Prod Proc Res Inst� Zhanjiang 524001� Peoples R China� Shenyang Jianzhu Univ� Res Ctr Anal & Detect Technol� Shenyang 110168� Peoples R China�-N�V�QN�yf[b��p&^\Oirxvz@b��QN�QQg��p&^\Oirxvz͑�p�[���[��l3��^Q{'Yf[�p&^\OirxvzN�hKm-N�_ �%&67GHcd������������ 0= Wei� Xiaoyi� Zhang� Lixiu� Wang� Junhai� Li� Jihua� Zhou� Wei   '(+,2389MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS 2020�7�2 ��- �Preparation of Cinnamon Oil-Loaded Antibacterial Composite Microcapsules by In Situ Polymerization of Pickering Emulsion Templatesb  South China Agr Univ� Coll Mat & Energy� Guangzhou 510642� Peoples R China� South China Agr Univ� State Key Lab Conservat & Utilizat Subtrop Agrobi� Guangzh< ou 510642� Peoples R China� Chinese Acad Trop Agr Sci� Agr Prod Proc Res Inst� Minist Agr & Rural Affairs� Key Lab Trop Crop Prod Proc� Zhanjiang 524001� Peoples R China�NSWSt�]'Yf[�-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b �():;KLbc���������� %&78Hs "Li� Yaozong� Liu� Jiaming� He� Xiaofen� Kong� Dexin� Zhou� Chuang� Wu� Hong� Yang� Ziming� Yang� Zhuohong� Hu� Yang  &',-349:ABEFKLQRYZ_`ijmn(MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 2020�305�3 ��-   lPreparation of Tung Oil-Based Polyol via UV Photocatalysis and Its Application on Hyperbranched Polyurethane   Agricultural Product Processing Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences� Zhanjiang� 524001� China � School of Chemistry and Environmental Science� Guangdong Ocean University� Zhanjiang� 524088� China �-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b�^Nwm m'Yf[Sf[N�s�X�yf[f[b� �hist{|�����������h Zhou� Chuang � Li� Puwang � Li� Sidong � Zhang� Li � Jiao� Jing � Wang� Chao � He� Zuyu � Yang� Ziming  '(./349:@AFGMNQRXY^_ 2020�36�1 ��159-166 and 174  =Properties of Low Protein Natural Rubber Prepared by Leachings  School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering� Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Materials Chemistry of Guangdong Higher Education Institutes� Lingnan Normal University� Zhanjiang� 524048� China � Agriculture Products Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agriculture Science� Zhanjiang� 524001� China ��\WS^�'Yf[Sf[S�]f[b�^NؚI{f[!hnm���nPg�eSf[͑�p�[���[�-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b �-.������������%&0189@U Gao� Tianming � L w� Zhen � Xia� Jialiang � Hui� Yonghai � Chen� Jing � Luo� Yongyue )*./89>?EFJK 2020�36�1 ��70-74 and 82  DRenewable sourced biodegradable mulches and their environment impact� *Yang� Yan� Li� Puwang� Jiao� Jing� Yang� Ziming� Lv� Mingzhe� Li� Yongzhen� Zhou� Chuang� Wang� Chao� He� Zuyu� Liu� Yunhao� Song� Shuhui   !"'(/034<=@AJKPQXY^_dehinost{|��SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE 2020�268�109375 �Self-assembled nano-vesicles based on mPEG-NH2 modified carboxymethyl chitosan-graft-eleostearic acid conjugates for delivery of spinosad for Helicoverpa armigera�  Agricultural Products Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences�-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b ��Huazhong Agricultural University�NS-N�QN'Yf[ ��Beijing Institute of Technology�S�Nt�]'Yf[ �45g{���� Chuang Zhou�hT� �� Ziming Yang*�hgP[f �� Li Zhang� _)R �� Enming Dong�c�i`� �� Zuyu He�UOVy�[ �� Xianwu Liu�R>ffk �� Chao Wang��s�� �� Yan Yang�hgs� �� Jing Jiao�&qY� �� Yunhao Liu�RЏim �� Yu Chen�H�\q �� Puwang Li*�Ngnf�e � #,1=CKQ\blqz������� 2020�146 �104438  �Structure and Property of Microwave Absorber Based on Molybdenum Disulfide/Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube/Butadiene Styrene Rubbera  Agricultural Product Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences� Zhanjiang� 524001� China � College of Materials and Chemical Engineering� Hainan University� Haikou� 570228� China � College of Chemistry and Environmental Science� Guangdong Ocean University� Zhanjiang� 524088� China �-N�V�p&^�QN�yf[b��Q�N�T�R�]xvz@b�wmWS'Yf[�^Nwm m'Yf[ �34fgqryz������������  '(23:;BX Zhao� Pengfei � Geng� Haoran � Fan� Haojun � Xu� Weijian � Liao� Lusheng � Peng� Zheng "#+,/09:?@IJOP 2020�34�14 ��14204-14208  �Study on the optimization of the enzymatic hydrolysis of antimicrobial protein from Moringa oleifera Leaves by response surface method� 3 College of Food Science and Technology� Huazhong Agricultural University� Wuhan� Hubei� 430070� China � Key Laboratory of Tropical Crop Products Processing of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs� Agricultural Products Processing Research Institute� Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences� Zhanjiang� Guangdong� 524001� China � Hainan Key Laboratory of Storage and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables� Zhanjiang� Guangdong� 524001� China � Guangdong Hua Ze Biological Technology Co. 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"#/0:;EFQR\]Applied Clay Science 2020� 198� 105802  _ Fabrication�characterization and evaluation of myricetin adsorption onto starch nanoparticales   Y�e�ѐ�_܀�Ngd_��^�Q=N��g�q�N*�R^twm 2020�250 116848�Improved microwave absorbing performance of natural rubber composite with multi-walled carbon nanotubes and molybdenum disulfide hybridswmWS'Yf[��R�]@b� Haoran Geng�?�im6q ��Pengfei Zhao�u�O�ޘ ��Junfei Mei�Yongping Chen�H�8ls^ ��Rentong Yu��N�N T ��Yanfang Zhao�u�s��� ��Aiwu Ding�N1rfk ��Zheng Peng�m_?e ��Lusheng Liao*��^�yu ��Jianhe Liao*��^�^�T � #-.;AKQ]clr|����"Polymers For Advanced Technologies 2020� 31(11): 2752-2762Use of titanate to improve interfacial interaction and mechanical properties of olyethylene/artificial marble wastes composites �R�]@b��V�]'Yf[ bS�~jm;H��y��hgk��R�~�l�Ğk��T���* _�ef *'Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology 2020�27: 137"146�e�ZSO�b/g�cGS�QN�yxb�@bL�?eHe���v��_�cvz�y�b O�d 2020�12�16 ��39-40+69  k�WS6�h�y(�D��n}|�[���+Tϑ�S���x��~bR�gT 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